Imakita Kosen. The 202th abbot of Engaku-ji.

ID 12072

Imakita Kosen


Zen Rinzai. The 202th abbot of Engaku-ji.


新藕揺池碧水光 茂林鬱密護茅堂 樹皆数百年来物 飽領禅窓萬斛涼 夏日山居 鹿山洪川


Paper Dimension 142.5*40

Whole Dimension 196.5*52

Vertical normal style silk mounting. Sumi ink on paper fine. Mounting good.

Paulownia box


Price 200,000JPY

Pen name: Soryu-kutsu, Kyoshu, Fukatoku-doji. Dharma transmission from Gizan Zenrai. He was ordained as a Rinzai Zen monk at his age 25 and received Dharma transmission at his age 38. He became the abbot of Eiko-ji at Iwakuni, Yamaguchi in 1859. He was recommended to be the chief abbot of Engaku-ji in 1872. He was once a teacher of Confucianism, so he highly skilled at Chinese poetry. He trained outstanding students like (Shaku)Kogaku So’en and made an effort to reconstruction of Engaku-ji.